A pinch of saffron could also do wonders for your heart. Several studies have shown that crocetin helps in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood and helps in preventing any heart-related diseases. Potassium in saffron is good in controlling heart beat by allowing to slow down thus protect the heart.
Read MoreDay: August 6, 2018

Is Good During Pregnancy
Saffron is believed to be healing in nature. It’s commonly used as a muscle relaxant. It may help relieve stomach aches too. Some pregnant mums use it to improve digestion and increase their appetite. It is also used as a skin enhancer in beauty creams. Traditionally, there is a belief that saffron can act as […]
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Helps Improve Memory
A glass of saffron milk could also help boost your memory retention. It is also believed that saffron can help prevent oxidative stress in the hippocampus, further enhancing learning and memory skills. saffron is encapsulated and used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, memory loss and inflammation. In order to get its maximum benefits, instead […]
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Protection Against Cold
Saffron is an effective tonic to treat cold and fever. Saffron is a stimulant tonic and very effective to treat cold and fever; saffron mixed in milk and applied over the forehead quickly relieves cold.It consists of various healing properties and is warm in nature that helps reduce the risk of catching a cold.
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Protects against cancer
Saffron contains a dark orange, water soluble carotene called crocin, which is responsible for much of saffron’s golden color. Saffron is rich in carotenoids, which can contribute to its anticancer properties. Crocin in saffron can prevent breast cancer and leukemia
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